Ducks at Rodman Ponds, etc.
Five American Wigeon were found in the morning at Rodman Ponds. The Cattle Tyrant was seen on its usual haunts behind the ARI building at Amador. The Herring Gull was there, too.
- This morning (dec 25) Karla Aparicio, Ruby Zambrano and Darién and Camilo Montañez went to Rodman Ponds to look for the Pintail, but instead found at least five American Wigeon, including a male in breeding plumage. They were first seen in fligh, their size and wing
pattern distinguished them from the Blue-winged Teal they were flying with. Once they "landed" the head pattern of the male was seen clearly, the white forehead being very conspicuous. The cinnamon flanks and the contrasting white belly and undertail coverts could also be seen clearly.
Later, the group visited the ARI building at Amador where Ruby found a Cattle Tyrant and, minutes later, the Herring Gull. There was only one Blue-footed Boobie in the concrete blocks at Punta Culebra.
What better Christmas present than a lifer? Go get 'em!