
Mostrando las entradas de junio, 2002

Bat Falcons in the city

Iann Sánchez and Geovanny Comparaz have been seeing a pair of Bat Falcons from their office window on the fifth floor of the Bell South building. The falcons have been seen flying around and perched on a TV antenna on a nearby tall building.

Glossy Ibis?

Delicia & Darién Montañez had a fleeting view of what had to be a pair of Glossy Ibis when their bus to Chitré was passing next to the rice fields around the entrance to El Rincón de Santa María, near Ciénaga de Las Macanas. They were near a small group of assorted egrets on a shallow pond about 10 meters from the bus traveling at about 80 km/h.

Franklin's Gull at avenida Balboa

Darién Montañez had a pretty good view of a Franklin's Gull in breeding plumage when his taxi was zipping down Avenida Balboa. The characteristic chunky jizz was what first called my attention, and the wing pattern (on the upperwing black tips separated from the gray mantle by a broad white band above, and below black tips contrasting sharply with the white underwing) confirmed my suspicions.