American Avocet in Punta Chame
The Canopy Tower's Carlos Bethancourt called in with a third-hand report of an American Avocet seen in a flock of Black-necked Stilts in Punta Chame. No more details are available at this time, but assuming the stilts were on mudflats (and not on the sandy beaches more common around the point), a good place to start looking would be on the mudflats on the mangrovy side, to your left as you drive out. A number of birders happen to be driving by Chame tomorrow morning, so expect an update soon.
American Avocet is a rare vagrant to Panama. This is probably the fourth record from the country, with previous sightings from the Aguadulce salinas.
American Avocet is a rare vagrant to Panama. This is probably the fourth record from the country, with previous sightings from the Aguadulce salinas.