Trip report by Ariel Aguirre

These are the highlights of a 10-day Birding Trip. I led from March 5th to March 16th
  • March 6th—Early afternoon 1.5 km walk north from Quebrada Juan Grande at Pipeline road. We spotted Spot-Crowned Antvireo (Male & female), Brownish Twistwing, Thrushlike Schiffornis and a Green-and-Rufous Kingfisher hidden in the foliage at a small pond.

  • March 10th—We had a Green-crowned Woodnymph and Ornate Hawk-Eagle on flight at Narganá Forest Reserve.
  • March 11th— Slate-throated Gnatcatcher and Sulphur-rumped Tanager on a mixed flock at Narganá Forest Reserve, a Bare-throated Tiger-Heron seen hidden in the grass at the Bayano River Bridge.

  • March 12th—Pheasant Cuckoo and a Bat Falcon couple seen at the Escobal Road, 2 km before the Achiote Road turn off. Also a White-headed Wren and a Rufous-crested Coquette at a side trail 300 m from the first bridge at Achiote Road; Later that same day a Green-and-Rufous Kingfisher seen at Diversion Creek.
  • March 15th—At El Valle de Antón, we saw a Barred Hawk soaring at Cerro Gaital, a Long-billed Starthroat at Cariguana Trail, Also flocks of Migrating Raptors (Swainson's Hawks, Broad-winged Hawk and Mississipi Kite) were also seen.