Cinnamon Teal at Farfán

Consensus is the mystery ducks Jennifer Wolcott has been seeing last week at Farfán pond are indeed Cinnamon Teal, as shown by the ruddy wash throughout, and the underwing pattern and foot color. This afternoon, George Angehr and Darién and Delicia Montañez went and saw them, so drop everything you're doing and go see this rare vagrant to Panama. The instructions are thusly:
They were in the Farfan marsh area, near the main road. I climbed the berm to get a better picture. So, park at the Farfan parking area, first walk into the marches (the gate is no longer closed and the grass is overgrown). If they are at the other end, walk down the main road counting telephone poles, then slog (carefully, take a walking stick if you can) up the berm.