
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2014

Violaceous Quail-Dove at Pipeline Road, a report by José Pérez

On November 24, I led a private tour with Marta Curtí and Sandra Miura in Pipeline Road. It was a great day with about four antswarms, with all the antbirds (but no Ground-Cuckoo). The most special bird was a Violaceous Quail-Dove that we saw past Quebrada Juan Grande. The bird flushed and started flying in circles and finnaly stopped in a branch a few meters in front of us right over the road. It sat there without moving for about 10 minutes.

Cinnamon Teal at Chame, a report by Euclides Campos.

On November 25, a male Cinnamon Teal was seen near Playa Caracol with 13 Lesser Scaups at the shrimp farms located in Punta Chame. The group included Alexis Guevara, Jorge Portillo, Ileana Benitez and myself. Also, a female Ring-necked Duck was at Gorgona.

Reddish Egret at Aguadulce, a report by Howard Laidlaw

On the way back from Pedasi stopped at Aguadulce on 23rd November 2014. Found a white morph Reddish Egret , photos attached. Was with George Angehr, and Jan Axel Cubilla joined us later. There were also 33 Lesser Scaup on one of the ponds.

Northern Pintails at Farfán, a report by Jennifer Wolcott

Also Northern Shoveler . Blue-winged Teals too, of course, but maybe some other dabblers as well. But here are a couple of Northern Pintails —I counted at least three Thursday.

Red-tailed Hawk en Tortí, un reporte por Siu Generis

El domingo 16 de noviembre Guido Berguido observó un rapaz sobrevolando justo sobre nosotros en el Hotel Avicar en Tortí, mientras el grupo de observadores terminabamos de almorzar, alrededor del mediodía. Ante el aviso de Guido alcancé a tomarle esta foto para poder identificarlo y documentarlo como un Red-tailed Hawk .

Mixed bag, a report by Euclides Campos

White-rumped Sandpiper seen at Punta Chame on October 30th. Two white morph Reddish Egrets were observed at Punta Chame on November 6th. Lesser Black-backed Gull (adult) seen at Costa del Este on November 10th.

American Avocets at Panamá Viejo, a report by José Tejada

These are a male and female nonbreeding plumage American Avocets found around the mudflats at Panamá la Vieja behind the museum on November 12. The female has a more upturned bill than male.

Patos en Gamboa, un reporte por Rafael Luck

Por un reporte realizado en el dia de ayer por nuestro colega, José Tejada, fuimos hoy en la mañana Jan Axel Cubilla y Rafael Luck a Gamboa para encontrarnos con Rafael Lau y Jose Soto del Gamboa Rainforest Resort en el muelle del Resort. Gracias a la cortesía de José Soto en una embarcación vimos muchas aves, entre ellas American Coots y 7 patos: Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Muscovy Duck, Ring-necked Duck, Lesser Scaup, American Wigeon, Blue-winged Teal y Northern Shoveler.

Migratory ducks galore in Gamboa, a report by José Tejada

November 8:  Northern Shoveler, American Wigeon, Ring-necked Duck, Lesser Scaup  (no valid picture of Lesser Scaup as they are all blurry cause I was doing a cruise ship tour and didn't have my spotting scope; so I TOOK THE PICTURES THROUGH MY BINOCULARS!!!!!). All the ducks were located in front and to the right of Los Lagartos restaurant at Gamboa.

Night birds in Chanis

José Tejada reports his backyard in Chanis was visited by a Striped Owl on October 27 and by a Chuck-Will's-Widow on the 28.