
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2016

Spot-breasted Woodpecker at Gamboa, a report by Domiciano Alveo

On the afternoon of Friday, October 25, Domiciano Alveo found a Spot-breasted Woodpecker  at the Ammo Ponds in Gamboa. The bird was calling and responded well to his whistling.

Jabirú in Chiriquí Grande, a report by Natalia Decastro

On the morning of October 10th, during a birding trip to the Bocas del Toro mainland, with a group based at Tranquilo Bay Eco Adventure Lodge, we observed a Jabiru ( Jabiru mycteria ) in the Chiriqui Grande area. That same day we observed a hawk migration, several thousands of Broad-winged Hawks ( Buteo platipterus ) and Swainson’s Hawks ( Buteo swainsoni ) and a few hundred Turkey Vultures ( Cathartes aura ).